A downloadable game for Windows

    Forestygian is a Roguelike Deckbuilder inspired by Action RPGs. The project is in active development,  here you have a short free demo with 8 different enemies, 3 battles, but lots of cards (171 to be exact).

   Feedback is greatly appreciated. To hear from players is the reason to release this demo. Please use the Discord button in the main menu to let me know anything you think about the game, good or bad.

Key features:
- You can Undo cards and abilities played this turn
- Cards do not deal damage directly. Instead, they add mana and statuses
- Abilities use mana and statuses to eliminate enemies
- Playing your cards and abilities in right order is a skill factor
- Card synergy matters a ton

Hope you enjoy the demo!

Updated 9 days ago
Published 23 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreCard Game
TagsDeck Building, Roguelike


Forestygian demo v 0 0 13.zip 240 MB

Install instructions

1) Download and extract the zip file
2) Run Forestygian.exe inside the extracted folder

v 0.0.3 - Frame rate: Capped frame rate by 60 after my friend reported issues with it.
v 0.0.4 - UX improvements: simpler End Turn and Undo buttons, wider secondary font,  holding RMB and hovering shows hints same as clicking with RMB, and shorter card hint delay in battle.
v 0.0.5 - Tutorial and Help: Added simple 2-screen Tutorial in 1st battle, also available through Help Screen. Also, improvements to help Screen.
v 0.0.6 - Rarity: Only Common cards are obtained before 1st battle (they are simpler and safer, don't reduce health etc). Cards display their rarity. New images for Hero and Abilities.
v 0.0.7 - Info Tutorial: Added another 1-screen tutorial at the very start, explaining how to see additional info on cards (such as status effect descriptions).
v 0.0.8 -  Enemy Tutorial and Higher Res Icons: Added yet another 1-screen tutorial at the start of 2nd battle, explaining enemy passives. Also, icons were re-saved in higher resolution.
v 0.0.9 - More UX improvements: End Turn text is red if you have non-retained cards in hand, attack of non-ready enemy displays with red 0, and bunch of new icons. 
v 0.0.10 - Better backgrounds for main menu, battle, and run ending screens.
v 0.0.11 - Tutorial texts got ~1.5 times shorter. Removed 4 cards that were too self-sufficient. Better image for campfire. Game logo that hopefully doesn't read as "Tygian".
v 0.0.12 - Hovers Everywhere:  Hints are now shown on hover-over.
v 0.0.13 - Art and Brackets:  Various art improvements (better rarity and Retain icons, color balance pass for enemies, etc) and fade in&out animations for hover brackets.

Progress at 2nd of June 2024:
- Very happy with how much feedback-based polish happened in the 1st week after the demo was released
- Working on a larger feature,  so won't be many new builds in the first week of June


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Looks very promising! Original game design backed up by nice and clear gameplay graphics!
